Cochem 0n the Mosel.
This is my favourite so far. Driving from Bernkastel over a steep and
beautiful inland route, we caught a glimpse of Cochem through the trees. The
German authorities don’t normally put parking places in areas of outstanding
beauty, but they did this time, and we drank in the beauty that is Cochem from
several hundred feet up. It’s a bit like looking at a tiny Belfast on steroids
from Cavehill, only a hundred times or more, prettier.

We were going to stay the night but had to find somewhere to stay, and there
it was, a Stellplatz or Campingcar parking area, and our spot is no more than
ten yards fro the majestic Mosel. Better yet, it’s free! We have found the town
councils go out of there way to welcome our nomadic way of life, thus providing
places to stay, replenish water, and dump everything we don’t need.

Anyway, here we are and when I woke up I couldn’t remember the last post,
so another concise edition today.
Yesterday we stayed in Bernkastel-Kues about thirty miles down the
valley, that’s the thing about this area. Like the wines produced, one is so
different from the another a lot of miles down the road, and no two towns are the same or similar, even ten
miles apart.
I felt Margaret wanted me out of the way yesterday, she had her cleaning
head on, so I jumped on my bike and went for a thirty mile trip, to Piesport,
another gorgeous town and full to
overflowing with all things wine. So many interesting things were seen it’s not
possible to tell all. Apart from that, I only have a short time between me
getting up and Margaret showing her face to write these blogs. Way too busy
during the day!
Bernkastel is another lovely town, a good bit bigger than a lot, but
still gushing with old style charm. A lot of the cruising boats use this as a
port of call. It was on one of these that I found my first instance of German
snobbery. Margaret and me were out on the bikes when we found ourselves dockside
to one of the Viking River Cruise boats. On impulse I went aboard and asked if
it would be possible to do a one or two night taster cruise. The uppity wee
bitch I spoke with was so condescending I wanted to ask her who fun ze var
The only other instance of this behaviour was at the ‘ Alte Brauhaus”
hotel in the same town, Margaret went in to ask if they had wifi, before we
chose to go in. The huffy looking wee waitress looked Margaret up and down
before answering.
Anyway, that’s it Margaret’s up, time for the day to begin……
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